042: Community in Action!

Table of Contents
Hola Amigos,
Welcome to an exciting December, I've got some epic goodies from travels in the North West of Costa Rica this week - looking at communities popping up in Playa Avellanas, Guanacaste and rolling down to Nosara to see wassup! Community in Action is a theme that rings true for me today. And as always, lots of epic travel, architecture and design inspirations, and such but firstly... Put on your scuba gear, we're going deep! Deep into the real juicy stuff...
At the moment, my current edge is going slower and slower, being more intentional, using every mechanism and tool at my disposal to become hyper aware and present so that I can be impecable with my words and ultimately with my choices. Where does my time and energy get directed? Who do I spend that time with? What Inspires me authentically right now? The slowness affords me the natural pace of everything else in the living world, that seems to have an imbued patience (except humans)!
Even the resistance to ask myself again, after all these years, what authentically inspires me? What do I authentically care about, and are my actions demonstrating and aligned to that care or is it just talk and no walk? Its all good, never any shame in the game, but I choose to re-evaluate, re-spect, and re-align when I learn more about myself and my external world. As I gather data, I become more aware, stretch new muscles, reprogram old neurons, grow and evolve, but all that takes some fucking dedication and patience (mostly with myself) to stay in the ring. Moreover, doing this all with no attachment to an end result, just evolving into the unknown of our potential, and seeing those around us, our friends and community, do the same as we walk each other home. As soon as I see a fraudulent story, old pattern, belief, I know I have the agency to change everything to follow my Truth. If not, I know my community will reflect that to me. And so, we can pause, pivot, and Take the Leap, into the next unknown, into the next evolution of our individual and collective selves. What a fucking ride! Really the best show in town!
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. My Travels to Metacamp - Dao's & Networks States Oh My!
On a recent travel to Playa Avellanas, Guanacaste in Costa Rica's North Western most beaches (cowboy country), I got to meet quite a lovely bunch of humans. These were a group of people from around the world working on digital and physical sovereignty, integrated cooperation in diverse groups, and overall some kind humans who know how to commune properly! Immense gratitude for this one!
“A network state is a highly aligned online community with a capacity for collective action that crowdfunds territory around the world and eventually gains diplomatic recognition from pre-existing states.” -Balaji Srinivasan
As the Metacartel build a physical home for their community, it's an honor to support them and be their sherpa when it comes to Land development in Costa Rica, and brining their vision to reality! I made so many new friends, and remembered why I love this job, as it's never about the projects, it's always about the people (as a friend and teacher Ronit from Leap Forward always reminds me).
2. Communities in Action - Leap Forward (LINK)
A community that has a been an intimate and deep part of my life, and mentioned in various newsletters I've written, has recently launched our monthly newsletter (read the letter and subscribe if it resonates). We'll be sharing updates, activities, inspirations and resources highlighting our community in action around the world.
We are 13 diverse members from all over the globe, committed to learning and forging new pathways for caring and cooperation. We have been working together for the past 8 years to intentionally accelerate the evolution of the human brain, expand the human heart and reveal the unimaginable potential of our collective consciousness. Check out why, how and who we are to learn more.
In response to the immense suffering we have been witnessing, we asked ourselves, “How we can help?" Our Leap Forward community has a wealth of expertise in facilitation and cooperation, and in building innovative technologies that have the potential to foster more connected, compassionate and impactful partnerships. We are bringing these capacities into action, and are currently focused on the following initiatives (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE & ACT).
3. Designs that caught my eye this week!
This is a fun way to share the IRL designs that inspired me this week so here we go! Feel free to reach out if you want to know more!
Catch past webinars and workshops on Zaydeltube.
Ecosystem Weather Report: New Section of the Newsletter!
Okay my compadres, lets try out a new feature in the LTP newsletter. A lot of people ask me about the health of the ecosystem of projects, places and people - seeking to understand how this whole new paradigm thing is going in different regions of Costa Rica, where community and regenerative values are being adopted. Yes there are places with Waldorf Schools, and incredible humans, food options, nature etc. But each is unique and has its ups and downs. So this section will give you a taste of those nuanced differences, that have taken me years to understand, and still surprise me to date.
Nosara is always a lighthouse for interesting people arriving to CR. Sometimes to many of them, so no need to further blow it up right?
People from Europe and US quietly gather in this magic town, along with an epic Tico tribe, a Waldorf school in the hood, great amenities, small hotels and restaurants. Something special is brewing here!
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: Life Skills
I'm from New York City, so we didn't learn this stuff! But now I have a voracious appetite for life skills, farming, harvesting food, building!
Learning how to properly open a "Pipa" aka Coconut with my man Ceibo. He knows whats up! Dude went from working at Northface Corporate to being the most epic homesteader I know!
Second Curiosity: Things you see in the new paradigm...
I ran into these guys while en route to a site visit in Nosara...
Third Curiosity: Weekly love from a man's best friend.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Leap Forward
This week I'm celebrating my Community at Leap Forward for being a new family that appeared in my life with open arms. They've been mirrors to my light and my shadow, my path to love and the evolution of my being, and the most immense support structure I've ever experienced. Thanks for holding me to my best, never giving up on me, and showing me that I'm not alone. I'm honored to be a part of a group showcasing love in action in the world. Whether with the recent response to the atrocities in the Middle East, to modeling compassion for human suffering around the globe in other ways. You've demonstrated what integrated cooperation looks like, what a dedicated group of humans can achieve, and helped me grok at what my true potential could look like, whilst in the safety of a community that truly cares about each other. So blessed.
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos!

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