049: A Vision For Your Life!
Hola Amigos, I hope you are doing well! I write you from Diamante Falls, in the heart of Tinamaste, Costa Rica, one of the areas recently deemed by experts as a globally significant bioregion and critical watershed to protect. Thankfully we have our friend, Nic Rotundo, working on just that

048: Designing for the Future, Now!
Hola Amigos, It has been a month of travel, getting my feet back on European soil, and yes indeed, it was freakin' lovely. I'm excited to share some learnings from the field with y'all, as well as some fun travel imagery! This trip started, after

047: It's the People, not the Projects!
Hola Amigos, We’ve got a fun one this week, so put on your scuba gear, we’re going deep. I’ll be sharing my latest thoughts and findings, as I explore what community looks like in the world. I’ll also be sharing some light bulbs from the field
046: Slowing it all down!
Hola Amigos, Slowing down has been a critical aspect to my exploration of what lives inside of me, of my authenticity, as well as how I show up in community, from that space of honesty and integrity. It's the first step to much of what we practice at

045: What Lives Inside
Hola Amigos, I recently paused my sharing here after realizing, through supportive feedback from my community at Leap Forward, my team at Live the Possibility, and my peers, that my newsletters were not as authentic and vulnerable as I had originally intended. This prompted me to pause and reflect on

044: Walking the Path
Hola Amigos, The year has kicked off with some momentum it seems. As I look at life in motion, there were choices made, causality, and intentions that have paved the path I'm walking in front of me. And what a wondrous path to walk in this life, seemingly

043: A Year Ends, New Possibility is Born
Hola Amigos, As you all prepare for your years end rituals, fun, family, solo time in the woods - whatever it be, I wish you the happiest, healthiest, most content joyful and beautiful holiday season possible! Love Ya'll. As a dear friend and teacher, Marcelo Mansour, said to

041: Choosing Life, Choosing You!
Hola Amigos, Excited to continue our adventures in Alternative Living and taking Leaps into greater Freedom, greater Connection, and ultimately into the Experience of Being Fully Alive. Whether that's an adventure to a natural wonder or an "ordinary" evening at home with your family around the

040: The Planters of the New Earth!
Hola Amigos, Writing to you from New York City, and reflecting a bit on my journeys back and forth over the last 18 years from Costa Rica. New York will always be home, I love the diversity of people, food, familiar streets. Yet the loud sirens and crowds of people

039: The Truth Shall Set You Free
Hola Amigos, This week, I'd like to look at the possibilities out there for an alternative way of living - hence the title Live the Possibility. In the unknown, exists incredible possibility and incredible freedom. But to be truly free, we must really see the world as it