044: Walking the Path

Table of Contents
Hola Amigos,
The year has kicked off with some momentum it seems. As I look at life in motion, there were choices made, causality, and intentions that have paved the path I'm walking in front of me. And what a wondrous path to walk in this life, seemingly further and further into the unknown. So as we look at matters of community and alternative living, we also have to see what we really want outta this whole shtik, what really matters and start to choose. Start to align everything to those choices. Be relentless. Be honest with yourself. Its your life!
I chose to focus on building the foundation for Life 2.0 this year, I chose to travel less, and when I do making it relevant - seeing family, close friends, essential recharge time in nature and time with me and me. That's a big one, I chose to spend time getting to know myself better and feeling into the depths of what lives inside of me. I have time for everything else sometimes, except me. That means I choose not to do a lot of other shit. And there always so much other shit to do, but I'm always reminded by community and friends to anchor in my Why, choose accordingly to my intention. If I get forgetful, I know I have people to remind me, and pull out of whatever stupor I'm in!
While traveling to Los Estados Unidos - I got to see some beautiful sights. It gave me some perspective on the fact that people I love live in one place, and I live in another, so the reality is that I've lived between two homes for the last 20 years or so. These choices are very intentional and of a life design I enjoy. Pretty rad if we start to ponder ideal life design, whether that be CR, US, Europe, Asia...
So as you design your lives, remember that you're not alone! We are all in this cosmic jamboree together, all pretending we got our shit together, but all really going through it, in our own unique way. So have some compassion for yourself and others. That being said, I've got some goodies for ya'll below.... Travels to Santa Teresa and Nosara over the holidays and epic designs from around the world.
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. Travels around the New Earth - Sta. Teresa & Nosara, CR
First stop on the holiday travel express - took me to Santa Teresa, Costa Rica to see my friends Awaré who created a unique musical experience at Zunya, a magical venue I worked with in its inception. They created a mind-blowing event event featuring visual and musical artists from around the globe, and transported us to another planet with the breath-taking event design and vibe!
I gave a talk during one of the days at Zunya, that left me feeling awesome. I got to expose some of the BS and Masks I see in myself, and this whole New Earth, Ibiza, Tulum, Nosara, Bali, Regenerative Jambalaya. Then I cruised out fast, in case anyone was hatin' on the authenticity of my being. I really like to keep it real with my peeps.
2. The Land Steward Alliance - Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe
I want to celebrate all the bad-ass humans in the LSA. Its always about the people and not the projects, as we say in Leap Forward. We have such a talented group of humans from the US, Costa Rica, and around the Globe, all working on incredible land projects whether as founders, experts, builders, funders and more. I'm really proud of the amount of gender, race, and socio-economic diversity in the room, as we celebrate the unique diversity that makes Costa Rica what it is - the land bridge of the Americas, the meeting place of the tribes, in the nest of the hummingbird (as the prophecy read).
What a crew: Land Stewards, Architects, Builders, Hospitality Experts, Lawyers, Engineers, Regenerative Development Experts, Non-Profits, Investors, Government, Web3 / Blockchain and Indigenous Rights NGOs - and its only going to grow from here!
3. Designs that caught my eye this week!
Catch past webinars and workshops on Zaydeltube.
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: The Color Pallets of Life
I've been observing how much color plays a role in my life...
Second Curiosity: How I get shit done?
I seem to function best when I have amazing people around me, and good coffee. Taza Amarilla was founded by my buddy Leland. at the Feria Verde organic market in San Jose. You can find it everywhere now because it rocks. Also the care for organic, fair trade, locally sourced beans, that make it directly to my cup, from small farms around Costa Rica who really care about the coffee and the people.
Third Curiosity: Weekly love from a man's best friend.
Maya got to come on some epic adventures with me as always!
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos!

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