041: Choosing Life, Choosing You!

Table of Contents
Hola Amigos,
Excited to continue our adventures in Alternative Living and taking Leaps into greater Freedom, greater Connection, and ultimately into the Experience of Being Fully Alive. Whether that's an adventure to a natural wonder or an "ordinary" evening at home with your family around the dinner table. This week's theme is about our ability and commitment to design our Lives, our lifestyles, make choices, sacrifices, take risks, and venture into the unknown a bit further - into the realm of Possibility! This moment of our precious time, is all that there is, and it's being consumed at a rate thats mind-blowing by work, tech, bills, calls, distractions and life itself often sits idly waiting. Waiting for us to step up, and step into the Possibility, taking control of the wheel!
We'll also get a bit of a travel updates in CR, as adventures took me to Uvita, in the South and later Santa Teresa in the North - and lets just say things are evolving! We'll explore the latest in regenerative design's from around the world in our Design Spotlight, and dive deep into our own internal journeys, just as much as we'll jam on all the external goodies. "As Within, so Without" right? Okay, lets roll...
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. Choosing You & Designing Your Life: Freedom Exploring greater levels of Freedom (both internal and external) takes a level of causality and intent. I've been curious about this subject for a while and would explore it via journaling, workshops, mentors, my own methods but after a recent Team Treat in Uvita with my Coach and Chief Energy Officer, I saw some shit again. Yep again, I found myself facing a reality where I was over-extended and over-committed, where I was catching up vs getting ahead, and ultimately where I was out of alignment with my goals. I saw where I could honor myself and my purpose more and evolve out of the comforts of this current shell. Like a lobster, we have to shed sometimes, and I'm cool with that! I generally avoid discomfort, but it was for my best here...
So... I chose, I took action, I created accountability, reporting and access to my personal and biz calendar for my team so they could make sure I stuck to the new course of action. I pivoted and adjusted course boldly once I saw the Truth (of my f*&^cking Google Cal overlayed with a template aligned to my Why). And so begins a new era of how my hours are used (Sacred Work on my Biz in the AM after Exercise the Morning Fundies, Calls after lunch with my clients, and of course time for the tasks, routine and such EOD, then Nada. Gotta have balance too :) Okay there's more, but you'll have to visit their site here!
My Fuel Gauge Was really low and I was using fuel I didn't have in my reserves - on what? Calls, Meetings with people, Extra support for friends in some planetary cycle, Shiny objects and ideas, potential opportunities vs present realities etc. The list went on and on - no more excuses! Why? I am building the foundation of my new life!
I was over extended, so slowing down, auditing my life, using data, and seeing reality was needed. Then seeing my Why, my long-term goals, my vision and how I could design a reality that is more aligned became possible. And its a process, this will be a constant dance between perceiving and acting but as long as I'm anchored in my Why, Focused and dedicated to my growth - its easy to reclaim my life, over and over. To choose Life! Le' Chaim!
2. In Search of Community - A Structure of Belonging...
When we are talking about terms like "Community, Alternative Living, The New Paradigm etc" it feels silly, as the thing in the social media and mass perception is not the same as it is in reality. What do I mean? Ooof okay, here's my last 18 years living abroad in a nutshell. People have searched long and far for "Community", as it's defined (by Peter Block), the structure of belonging. The basic human need for love and belonging, for not being alone. In the tribal times (still in our DNA), Alone meant Dead. So its really a core need for most people - Belonging, Community, & Love! Its lack creates fear & a void in the human psyche and a longing forms. In the Blue Zones studies (Longevity Zones around the Globe), they found that when people had vibrant community life, friendship, games etc it was one of the key pillars of their longevity! So, yea - Community...
I searched all over for it, in huge 5000 person events I produced in NYC in the late 90's, to working with Burning Man in the 2000's, ahead of my Leap to Costa Rica to look for Community in the Eco-village & Regen Movement. All i found was cool ideas and people asking for Ketamine, post breath-work. And still I felt, nope, not yet, not that hehe! Eventually, I would find "that", in a relative group of strangers from diverse backgrounds, countries, ethnicities, and socio-economics at Leap Forward. But it's my version of it, how about yours? Whats your criteria?
Community is not about eco-villages or your dream Pinterest house on the beach. Its about the invisible structures and the fabric that is woven between people. Its about the memories you create with your family, and the neighbors you waive to each day, and who you spend your dinners and weekends with. Its about who holds you to your best, when you have Broccoli in your teeth or worse! It's fellow explorers on the path to Freedom, and its a reminder that we are truly walking each other home, and not alone. As I walk home, its my honor to support people on a similar path, here in Costa Rica and beyond! Love you all :)
3. Design Spotlight - What caught my eye this week!
Inspiration for your creations and general curiosity...
Catch past webinars and workshops on Zaydeltube.
Ecosystem Weather Report: Osa & The South!
Okay my compadres, lets try out a new feature in the LTP newsletter. A lot of people ask me about the health of the Ecosystem of projects, places and people - seeking to understand how this whole new paradigm thing is going in different regions of Costa Rica, where community and regenerative values are being adopted. Yes, there are places with Waldorf Schools, and incredible humans, food options, nature etc. But each is unique, and has its ups and downs, its nuances. So this section will give you a taste of those nuanced differences, that have taken me years to understand, and still surprise me to date.
Conclusion: There's something happening here... Diverse bio-regions, incredible nature, community forming, LIFE School, and other goodies. Definitely an area thats growing, and more sustainably than others that I won't name and shame. That doesn't mean you should read this, take Peyote and then go build a massive project in Uvita! Lets respect nature, as we tango with our dream lives in built form. Take it slow, gather data, have fun, and be responsible for Christ's sake. Okay, done hehe.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Phil & Carolina - My Team!
This week I'm celebrating my team! In my corner are two amazing humans, Phil Powis and Carolina Wilke, and when their magic united, they formed a Sacred Business Flow. Although I've had their support for some years now, this was a deep dive, with care and focus into my world - interior and exterior. We dove into my nervous system and wounds around validation and self-worth with Carolina in our Bio-energetic sessions and chats. And then with Phil, we dove into my work, my purpose, my vision, my why and strategy for 2024. This was epic, full life, work, health audit and a level of dedication to the details, I've experience rarely in my life. I felt support to make a big personal leap (which you will hear about soon hahah!). Gracias equipo, gracias!
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: Studying Land and Gathering the Data...
I love the opportunity to study a property and gather data. To walk, feel, observe. When I'm with the pro's like Forma Fatal architecture studio - its an honor. Yes, walking in nature is often my job. These people are master creatives - as we walk and talk, I see their attention, the invisible and subtle, that they perceive to later inform their creation. Okay, we also just got to hang and walk the river from Playa Hermosa's Ridge to the beach and be in Awe of Nature!
Second Curiosity: Things you see in the new paradigm...
Nature's Patterns are incredible. A short Ode to the Creator!
Third Curiosity: Weekly love from a man's best friend.
Love that Maya got to come on the adventure this week!
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos!

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