039: The Truth Shall Set You Free

Table of Contents
Hola Amigos,
This week, I'd like to look at the possibilities out there for an alternative way of living - hence the title Live the Possibility. In the unknown, exists incredible possibility and incredible freedom. But to be truly free, we must really see the world as it is, and discover the Truth. Then Action? Moving into being and speaking Truth at all costs, while carrying an open heart, involves widening our lens of perception and our compassion for ourselves and others. When we zoom out on the current state of affairs in the world and see that much of the fabric that defines our civilization is in a state of decay, we cannot afford to be indifferent or sit silent. This must light some fire under our collective asses. Whether you look at Political Institutions, Education, Religion, Economics, Health, Environment, Human Rights - you'll find that the whole enchilada is in disarray and more so with the state of our world in war. And not just a war out there somewhere, the war is everywhere - black vs white, vax vs unvaxed, democrat vs republican, you vs that asshole next door...
So until we really face this sober reality, that things are pretty fucked, we wont be able to take-on what's needed - Right Action or rather Right Being. And yes this involves being an adult, and facing what is, embracing what is, and choosing how to show up. We each have an opportunity to know ourselves, share our light, and lead humanity toward its next stage of evolution. The stakes have never been higher, and we do not have the luxury to sit back and hope someone else fixes this mess. We are the one's, we've been waiting for...
Its a time for audacious action and bold leadership, and until we step into and up to our potential, we are asleep during the best movie in town. Surprisingly, this whole journey starts with slowing down, seeing more, feeling more, taking more data in, questioning reality, and utilizing our senses and feelings to guide us into the unknown. And we're not alone, we have each other, we can truly walk each other home. I live by this Truth, and I love humanity deeply.
I share a lot of the work at Leap Forward, as it's been a dojo for practicing this work on the court, and its a completely free resource that maps a lot of this stuff out.
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. Doing the Work (LINK)
I realized that a lot of the time, I talk these lofty ideals with no context of where I learn these things, how I practice them in real life, nor the real work it takes to anchor these practices in my day to day life. So here's a taste from this week...
In Leap Forward this week - I got to see the effects or costs of my fast system (vs slow system), and how many decisions were made in a rush, poor choices, poor planning, later nights than I wanted this week and ultimately dicipating my energy and focus. I set away messages in WhatsApp, and began to use my community to pause me when I'm fast and hold me accountable. In Tai Chi, I learned how to anchor that slowness, my true nature, in action from the moment I wake up, as an embodied practice. In Radiant Flow, I received further information on moving the energy I felt in my body, and aligning it to my intentions, in my Shamanic studies class I learned that "there will come a time where there are no longer Safe Places, yet rather Safe People." In my garden, I learned that going slow will prevent me from cutting my hand again, and in my readings, I learned about the Creative Act. Then at work, I got to see a true Creative process unfold from the unknown, mirroring that which I read. Epic :)
And finally, in our community wide meeting at Leap Forward, I again got to see how I was trying to fix or remove this feeling in my chest, this fear, that I'm somehow not good enough or worthy. This feeling like somethings missing, that if I just changed XYZ it would all click into place - a lot of judgement and guilt was clouding me from seeing the reality and what's needed. If I'm to know myself and share my light, then I need to know all of me, including the feelings that I numb with substances, work, distraction and more. So I dropped the numbing agents and began to feel deeper!
When I share things I learn on my path, they're generated from the experiences in my life, and the dedication of countless hours a week to my growth. I try, I fail, I try again, but I never stop because there is a hunger deep inside myself, to share my potential and truly know what I'm capable of, especially in times of deep need and responsibility in the world. Human Evolution is truly the only game in town for me, and as I learn and experience more, the flavor of life becomes so much juicier and full of magic.
2. The Off Ramp and Alternative Living 101
Most of the time I meet people, and want me to support them on a land project of sorts - healing center, community, longevity, retreat etc. and their shocked to see that our first deep dive vision session mostly focuses on them and the life they want to live. You see, many people are getting the message that something is not as it seems, its time to get off the hamster wheel, pause, and reclaim our lives. Unfortunately they are not discerning which downloads are for them vs our entire collective of evolving humans, so they jump into massive projects to save or fix the world, but what about themselves? Usually a lot of this is in response to healing they need in their own lives (as above, so below). So I slow them down enough to see what truly matters before they jump into the next "Eco-Rat Race". I ask questions, we talk about what would be really fun, what would make this life a story worth living, a legacy worth sharing?
Maybe start with a house for you and your wife before a massive project. Maybe spend a year or more traveling around different communities and geographic areas before you decide. How can we start so boldly "Knowing" what spirit is guiding us to do, when we haven't paused enough to even be with what is?
So I urge people to think of life 2.0 as an off-ramp of sorts. Go slow, be curious, ask a lot of questions, get in touch with your real WHY for all of this before making any hasty decisions. And once you feel that your lens of perception has expanded wide enough to see more of reality, only then would I begin to get into the creative process of giving birth to a land project. Don't start with a deck, start with yourself! Take a Leap to seeing what's Possible in and with your life!
3. Designs that caught my eye this week!
Inspiration for your creations, from the stuff that inspires me!
Catch past webinars and workshops on Zaydeltube.
Ecosystem Weather Report: New Section of the Newsletter!
A lot of people ask me about the health of the ecosystem of projects, places and people - seeking to understand how this whole new paradigm thing is going in different regions of Costa Rica, where community and regenerative values are being adopted. Yes there are places with Waldorf Schools, and incredible humans, food options, nature etc. But each is unique and has its ups and downs. So this section will give you a taste of those nuanced differences, that have taken me years to understand, and still surprise me to date.
Weather Today: People are looking at Plan B, very seriously! Where?
That's up to you... Right now mountainous areas in CR are getting a lot of attention around the Central Valley, Arenal, and the South.
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: Wellness & Longevity Centers
A visit to Remedy in NYC to get my wellness game on with my buddy Darius aka "Earl". Invest in your health, and experience true wealth!
You get the picture! Thanks @Remedy for loving us up!
Second Curiosity: I wanted to grow and drink my own coffee...
Full cycles in life are rare. Here was one for me. Plant Coffee, Dry & Roast Coffee, Drink Coffee, Express Gratitude!
Third Curiosity: New York, New York
Many people think I'm all about jungle life, but I'm from New York City and I love New York City! Both And. Some recent meanderings in nyc...
Who We Are Honoring This Week: The Heroes
This week, we are not going to celebrate, as its been a somber week in the world, with bloodshed and violence. Yet, there have also been acts of tremendous valor and courage. Acts of such heroism that you see people standing for their values, risking their own lives to save another. And, so today I respectfully bow in honor to those who stand for freedom in the face of tyranny and injustice, those who stand for the innocent and voiceless, and to those brave few who have shown us that there can be no darkness where there is light.
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos...

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