026: A New Year, A New You!

Table of Contents
Hola Amigos,
Wishing y'all a Happy New Year! As we kick-off 2023, I just want to state what an exciting time this is for each of us and for humanity. Major transformations, leaps, and evolution in the works. I loved seeing so many people boldly venturing into the collective unknown, take a needed pause, and look at their lives and how they can be living more fuller and expressed versions of themselves, how they can have more fun, relax more, be happy, have peace and security...
If you haven't already, I love looking at what I want to call in for 2023 - be specific. Where do you want to live, travel, what do you want to study, who do you want to be with, how do you see your health and relationships, finances, free time, bigger purpose and impact work etc. You get the idea! I like to look at broad goals and then hyper specific actions and items that can lead to those becoming a reality. A vision board or Pinterest board helps those who are visual. If you can really feel it and embody the emotion, than you are in store for some magic. Be patient. When you give the waiter your order, sometimes the kitchen still needs time to prepare your meal :)
Some of the biggest trends I'm seeing for 2023 in the alternative living space are... People traveling and experiencing emerging neighborhoods and town all over the globe and often changing their mind as to where they want to live and invest. While some are moving full time, others still prefer semi-nomadic and part time solutions until they figure it out. So the vacation rental market is really taking off, as people are traveling, tasting, living, experimenting with airbnb and other rentals at an all time high. Even retreat centers are starting to utilize this model, and land owners shifting to building retreat like vacation rental clusters. Most of my clients are doing the same to also keep risk lower, and fun higher. From the community side, smaller micro-communities are starting to spring up in the form of small neighborhoods and collective projects among friends. And although land prices are stabilizing, demand is still high for land with resources such as water, soil etc. Buyers in Costa Rica are looking more and more at the southern zone of Uvita, Dominical, Tinamaste and Perez Zeledon/San Isidro Areas due to favorable pricing and land options as markets like Nosara and Santa Teresa became saturated. Fun things on the horizon, but take your time, listen to the land and to your gut, and go have some fun - it's usually a good recipe for an adventure at the worst, and a new chapter in life at the best.
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. Vision Alignment & Strategy
Okay I have a friend named Doug. He is a Jewish guy from New York who I used to see at conferences like Summit and events like Burning Man. And although I thought he had disappeared when he sold his company and was traveling around on a bus making people's Dreams come true, he didn't. He went to go find what made him and others happy. He aligned his vision to his life. I saw him in Nosara on Costa Rica's Pacific Coast, and without needing to ask him, what he's doing or his job now, I could just see him radiating happiness and thats what matters. When you align your vision to your life, the rest really starts to flow clearly. I help my clients with this a lot when they come with ambitious projects and ideas for retreats and communities. Will this really make you happy? If so, rock on, if not - pivot and adjust - Its never to late to pivot.
2. An Amazing Journey on the Healer's Path (LINK)
A course I will be taking in 2023 for myself and to support others on their path to healing. I've studied with Marcelo for over 10 years and this is the first time this program that comes with an epic Diploma will be offered in Costa Rica. Reply to this email or use the link to learn more about this 12 month journey! Buckle up!
3. Designs that caught my eye this week! (LINK)
From travels and browsing - some goodies for y'all!
Catch past webinars and workshops HERE or Zaydeltube.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Doña Luisa
This week I want to celebrate someone who has made my life quite incredible - Doña Luisa. Day in and day out a true ally on the journey. We support each other in amazing ways. When my mother calls and asks if I've been eating, Luisa jumps in and shows her that she's keeping me healthy and plump :) Recognizing the people in our lives that make things tick, sometimes is not so easy with the hectic pace of modern society. So I make sure to pinch myself with gratitude, hug Luisa often, and tell her how much she means to me as a friend and co-pilot on this crazy journey called life. She came from Nicaragua back in the day, myself from New York, yet here we on the same journey, same fears and heart aches, same moments of peace and happiness when things are in flow. We are not all so different when we look at what it means to be human. Thank you Luisa - you are my A-team. And yes i'll translate all of this to you when I see you next!
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: Upcoming Retreat - Alive Experience (LINK)
This will be a special one from my dear friend Zark - see link above to learn more! A synergy of modalities and practitioners to create lasting transformation have been assembled for you! Leap!
Second Curiosity: Real use of pyramids?
Third Curiosity: Weekly love from a man's best friend.
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos!
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