023: Holy Shift!

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023: Holy Shift!
Hola Amigos,
This week coming to you with an issue dedicated to the shift happening around the globe, hence the title "Holy Shift". We have seen a slew of changes starting to brew, and the only thing one can do is build resilience and a plan. Its also been an amazing time to re-spect and re-look at what we want to be doing with our time on this planet, who we want to spend it with, what we want to be working on... Honing in on our legacy has never felt more important.
Community has also began to ring in my ears in a new way, instead of some lofty concept, I'm actually looking deeply at what it means to live in integrated cooperation within community, to call on support when I need it, and to know there's some people out there who got my back, who I can put on the scuba gear, and go deep with. I remember when community was a group of people at common social gatherings or dinners, or having fun at festivals and travels, or peers at work, but above all that is the community of the heart, and you know who those people are. Community to me is a Verb. It takes work, intention, and energy. Its not something you buy into, its something you co-create with a lot of love and care.
So as usual, we'll have some fun happenings, epic designs, and some cool upcoming events in the living abroad and regenerative community space.
Here's What I Want to Share This Week:
1. The Ripple Revolution Summit - Nov 7 - 11, 2022 (Online)
Looking forward to sharing some goodness at the Ripple Revolution Summit this Nov 7th-11th, 2022! Come join us!
We live in interesting times. Recent global events have forced many to re-evaluate their lives, awakening them to a new understanding of what is important to thrive. The resulting ripple in the evolution of our consciousness is causing people worldwide to re-examine the meaning of their life, searching for the divine gift hidden beneath layers of faulty thinking and the constant effort to find external happiness.
The Ripple Revolution Summit will be worldwide event that brings hope and inspiration to people all around the world. The intention for The Ripple Revolution Summit is to shine a light for people who are disconnected from themselves & stuck in a life of mediocrity, when they have infinite potential inside them which is screaming to be unleashed. They are also donating half all proceeds to 2 incredible charities; bringing medication, water & food, as well as education & opportunity to children in remote communities.
2. Regenerative Business Incubator - Nov 24-27th (Costa Rica)
Excited to be speaking at the Regenerative Business Incubator for Land Owners on Nov 24-27th in Costa Rica
If you have a land-based project in CR, with a business plan attached, intending to make your sustainability project financially sustainable, you might want to join. In this mastermind intensive, members of the incubator cohort will have a chance to highlight their projects to each other, sharing our experiences and helping us all to ask more profound questions. This is going to be a genuinely rich networking experience for change-makers that won't just know about each other but will turn out to be a part of each other's success. It'll be hosted at Cascada Elysiana Eco Lodge, near Platanillo de Baru, up the mountain from Dominical.
Link for more info: https://regenerationnationcr.com/rbi/
3. Designs that caught my eye this week (Link: LTP Pinterest)
Catch past webinars and workshops HERE or Zaydeltube.
Who We Are Celebrating This Week: Pete & Latisha Steadman
This week I'd like to celebrate Pete & Latisha Steadman for dedicating their time and energy to putting together the Ripple Revolution Summit - a 5-day global event designed to shine a light for those who feel they have lost their way, trapped in a life of mediocrity and soullessly existing.
“At the peak of the market before the 2008 financial crash, my wife and I purchased a property we planned to build into a retreat center. Despite the economy, we successfully navigated the market crash & the business grew year on year. Shedding past programming, releasing thoughts, habits, and actions that never actually served my true self, as well as uncovering the gifts from my wounds has not been easy. Fortunately, I had many teachers and mentors along the way. I created the Ripple Revolution Summit to invite those thought leaders to share what I’ve learned on my journey to help make yours easier.” - Pete Steadman
This Week's Curiosities
First Curiosity: Tai Chi & Vibrational Healing
Excited to be on tour with my teacher of 10 years in Tai Chi and Vibrational healing. For Private Sessions & Tour info just reply to this email. Thank you to Zunya for playing host to awesome healing!
Second Curiosity: Jungle Grit
I went over to the house of one of my Land Accelerator Clients and was so happy to see the level of her jungle grit! Well done Lisa!
Artist Ruben Dario and I, looking at his Flamingos in progress!
Third Curiosity: Weekly love from a man's best friend.
Memorable Quote:
Much Love Amigos!
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